Read-a-Thon Results

We have some amazing readers at Highland Terrace!  The PTA’s winter fundraiser, the 7th Annual Read-a-Thon was a HUGE success.  Over the course of three weeks, Highland Terrace students read over 319,000 minutes and raised $14,800 for our PTA’s school sponsored programs and activities.  Individual and classroom awards were announced at an all school assembly March 14.  The students met our challenge of reading more minutes than last year, and will be awarded a “crazy hair pajama day” on March 23.  CONGRATULATIONS to all our Read-a-Thon participants and a huge THANK YOU for everyone who donated to this important event.


  • Teachers & office staff for their assistance
  • Parent volunteers for their time and dedication
  • Sandra Newby, Kyrie Cataldo, Jill Sismaet, Gabby Espino, Marisa Berglund, Missy Sherrard, and Cory Peterson

The following businesses who donated prizes: Edmonds Bookshop, Spin Alley, Glazed and Amazed, and Lynnwood Skate and Bowl