Highland Terrace 2015-16 PTA Awards

Submit your nominations for the

Highland Terrace 2015-16 PTA Awards
Every year the Highland Terrace PTA recognizes one Outstanding Educator and one Outstanding Volunteer from our school community. The winners will receive an award and will also be honored at an assembly and at the Shoreline PTA Awards Dinner.

We need your nominations to select this year’s award recipients!

Read the information below to find out about these awards, then turn the paper over and fill out the form to submit your nomination for the Golden Apple Award and Golden Acorn Award. Or, you may submit your nomination via the online forms.

The PTA Awards Committee will make the final selection based on the nominations we receive. Submit your nomination (via paper or online) by March 1, 2016.

Questions? Contact Liz Sheffield (liz@lizsheffield.net) or Karlee Birt (ksbirt@gmail.com)


Highland Terrace PTA Golden Apple AwardHighland Terrace PTA Golden Apple Award (2015-2016)
The Golden Apple/Outstanding Educator award recognizes a teacher, assistant, custodian, office staff, or administrator who has contributed their time and talents to providing educational opportunities for students beyond the normal scope of their jobs.


HTNA - VolunteerHighland Terrace PTA Golden Acorn Award (2015-2016)
The Golden Acorn/Outstanding Volunteer award recognizes a volunteer who has contributed to our children and the community in an exceptional way. A Golden Acorn Award is very special and is given for continued and dedicated service.


Submit your nomination (via paper or online) by March 1, 2016

Paper forms were sent home via Kid Mail. Or, submit your nomination online here: via the online forms: