Top 10 Reasons to Participate in Pass the Hat donations

It’s time for our annual “Pass the Hat” donation drive. The PTA is asking for your help, Highland Terrace Families. Here are the top ten reasons we believe you should donate today!
10 – Your donation is tax deductible.
9 – When you make a direct donation, 100% of the proceeds will go toward funding activities and programs of the PTA.
8 – “Pass the Hat” helps fund one of Shoreline’s oldest community activities: our Pancake Breakfast. Who doesn’t love pancakes?!
7 – If we asked you to sell cookie dough, chances are your family would polish it off with spoons before you even got a chance to bake any.
6 – Private donations and outside grants have become essential to providing high-quality programs that we and our children expect and deserve.
5 – If we asked you to sell wrapping paper, chances are your children would use it as swords and you wouldn’t be able to use it to wrap anyway.
4 – “Pass the Hat” helps provide the best teachers around with some of their supplies for the year.
3 – If we asked you to sell candy bars, chances are you wouldn’t, and then you would feel guilty, buy the whole box yourself, and stress-eat them during the presidential election cycle.
2 – “Pass the Hat” helps fund many of your favorite highland terrace activities: science night, drama production, library grants, staff appreciation lunches, reflections art competition, visiting authors, school assemblies, and more!!!
1 – “Pass the Hat” supports the mission of the highland terrace PTA: to promote and enrich the social and educational development of our students in partnership with parents, staff, and the community.

No donation is too small, no effort unappreciated! You can send a check via kid mail or you can donate via PayPal here.

On behalf of the students, teachers, and parents of highland terrace elementary, thank you for your consideration.