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All posts by Sayuri Gould
Amazon Smile is an automatic way for you to support our school every time you shop on Amazon. Highland Terrace PTA will receive a portion of every dollar spent on eligible…
Come chat with your Highland Terrace buddies on Zoom next week in the afternoon. Monday November 2nd , Tuesday November 3rd , Thursday November 5th and Friday November 6th ! Grades K-2 can join…
What issues are most important to you? (Survey)
Complete the HT PTA survey. It closes on 10/9Your voice matters — please take a few minutes and complete our Highland Terrace PTA e-survey:
Highland Terrace PTA Needs your Support!
Let’s get to our goal of $10,000. We invite everyone who can to make a contribution today to help us reach our goal. Just $20 per student gets us to…
It’s Socktober!!

This school district-wide challenge runs October 1-31. The district-wide goal is to collect 5000 pairs of socks for Shoreline families in need. It’s a school vs. school challenge so let’s…
Family Support During School Closure
See attached documents for family support during school closure. It includes free meals, free food and grocery/gas gift cards. Family Support During School Closure. Map to Shoreline School Central Kitchen.…
Read-A-Thon is Coming (February 10-23)
On your marks, get set, READ! The 9th Annual Read-a-Thon winter fundraiser for Highland Terrace PTA is about to begin. The Read-a-Thon kicks off on Feb 10 through Feb 23.…
Festival of Cultures Thursday, March 12
Students & Families! We would love to participate by showcasing your heritage. Here are a few ways you can be involved. Set up a small booth with a display of visuals,…
OrcaWear Forms this month!
Hey Orca Families! Be on the lookout for OrcaWear Forms this month! Our new Highland Terrace Logo will be incorporated!