HTPTA WANTS YOU! There are oodles of open positions for 2023-24 to suit any interest and time commitment. These roles are the foundation for making sure we continue to provide fun and enriching opportunities for all our Orcas. No experience necessary–the more the merrier!
Contact us at if you’d like to learn more or get involved. Let us know which area(s) you’re interested in and we’ll get back to you with more information.
- MEMBERSHIP – HTPTA is a membership-driven organization – growing and sustaining our membership is vital to our success. Help manage our database and spread the word about who we are, what we do, and why everyone should be a member of their PTA.
- COMMUNICATIONS – Join the team that helps get the word out! Newsletters, social media, website, directory, kid mail–we do it all.
- ART & CLAY PROGRAMS – Help us bring more art to HT, both in class and after school. This also includes someone to oversee our Reflections submissions, the Annual National PTA Art Competition. We even own a kiln–let’s fire it up
- KINDERGARTEN PALS, ROOM PARENT & VOLUNTEER COORDINATORS – With so many folks itching to help out with all the activities, these role make sure everyone is in the loop, and we are supporting families and classroom all year, K through 5th.
- ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS – Help us to coordinate programs before and after school! In the past we’ve been able to host opportunities like Chess Club, Languages, Art, Keyboarding, and more. Options abound and new ideas welcomed, but we need volunteers to make any of it happen.
- EVENT COORDINATORS – HTPTA leads fun opportunities throughout the year to celebrate our Orcas and our amazing community. Help us keep these events going! Ice Cream Social, Science Night, Pancake Breakfast, Skate Nights, Festival of Cultures, Movie Nights–they all need your help.
- FUN-DRAISING – HTPTA can’t build the fun without the funds
Help coordinate our efforts to support all our programs, including our Fall Annual Appeal, Passive Fundraisers, and everything in between.
- COMMUNITY OUTREACH & SUPPORT – We’ve got positions aimed at making sure we are representative, inclusive, and supportive for all Orca and Shoreline families. Consider Family & Community Services Chair, Family and Community Engagement Chair, Parent Education Chair, or Director of Advocacy as your next PTA role.
We’re excited for next year–let’s make it amazing, Orcas!