2020-2021 HTPTA Co-President Welcome!

Hello Orcas!  We’re already weeks deep into a new school year, and one like we’ve never experienced before.  Despite our distance, your PTA is still working hard to make sure every Highland Terrace Elementary family is welcomed, connected, and knows that all voices are heard and valued. We remain committed to our mission: to promote and enrich the social and educational development of all our students in partnership with families, staff and the community and to commit to strive for diversity, equity, and inclusion in all of our programs and events.

We encourage you all to join HTPTA! By joining HTPTA, you become part of a powerful association and action plan that is focused on programs and initiatives that strengthen your child’s education and the family-school partnership.

We welcome you to support HTPTA through donation – just $20 a student.  As a non-profit organization, HTPTA is built on the financial support of our community.  While we won’t be coming together in the same ways as years past, we still want to make sure we are able to provide enrichment and community building opportunities for every child and family at Highland Terrace.  Your financial support will get us there!

We are built on the power of volunteers.  Together, apart, Highland Terrace thrives on the energy and time volunteers bring to the school and community.  We need volunteers to help build connections, support classrooms, and brainstorm new ways to provide enriching experiences for school community.  Ideas welcome!

We can stay connected, even while apart.  Now more than ever, we’re relying on all kinds of platforms to come together, get information, and share experiences.  Don’t miss out on news, meetings and events. 

We look forward to learning, sharing and growing with you!

Kyrie Cataldo & Juliet Scarpa

2020-2021 Highland Terrace Elementary PTA Co-Presidents