Can you Help?

Contact Kyrie Cataldo, or any member of the PTA board if you are interested in this position.

  • Fundraising Chair: Do you have a fun idea for a fundraising event?  Come join the Highland Terrace PTA and work with the board to come up with a fundraiser to be held next year.  We will help pull together a team to assist you, and the board will help brainstorm direction and ideas.  We just need you to come lead the team and make it a reality.
  • Ice Cream Social: Organize the Ice Cream Social. Set a date with the front office, purchase supplies, help publicize the event, and ensure there are enough volunteers.
  • Reflections Competition: National PTA’s annual arts in education program. This committee chair facilitates the competition at Highland Terrace. Informs staff and encourages student participation, organizes volunteer help. Collects entries and finds volunteer judges, organizes a school exhibit of winning entries and forwards these to the District and State levels. If Reflections Workshops are conducted during the half days, this would also be organized by the Reflections Chair.