We’re Looking for a few Good Leads

Contact Kyrie Cataldo, kyrie_hooper@hotmail.com or any member of the PTA board if you are interested in any of the below positions.

  • Read a Thon: Do you enjoy reading?  The Read A Thon needs you to help run this program next year.  This successful fundraiser has been happening for 8 years ~ the process is documented.  We need your help heading up the effort ~ there are many PTA board and members who will provide support.  Please consider helping your students and community through this fun event! 
  • PTA Volunteer Coordinator:  This is primarily data entry at the beginning of the year (inputting information collected from the parent volunteer forms).  Then coordinate with school staff by sending various lists of parents volunteers. This position can be modified to best fit your skills and availability.  Please help keep our PTA running by volunteering for this important position. Attendance at the PTA meeting is suggested but not required for this position.