Science Night on 11/30/2018 @ 6:30-8pm

Science Night is in one week! This free event is sponsored by the Highland Terrace PTA.

What do a Patagonian mara, African pygmy goats, sheep, and a mini pig have in common?  They are all veterans of the Animal Encounters mobile petting zoo! Come learn about the science of animal husbandry at Science Night.  If land animals aren’t your thing, learn about Orca whales from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries Marine Mammal Lab and the Orca Network!  Or learn about the most numerous animals on earth, insects, from Malia Megargee, budding entomologist and Highland Terrace alumni. These and many other scientists will be hosting booths at Science Night on Friday, November 30, 6:30-8:00 pm. Stay tuned for more featured Science Night exhibitors!

We will also be collecting rice, canned goods, peanut butter, etc. and gift cards for the Holiday Basket drive.  You can drop your donation at the front door on the way in!